You're "Bound 2" watch this video

There’s talk all over the Internet of Kanye West’s new music video for his song Bound 2. I’m sure Kanye loves it and wants to keep people guessing. But besides a social media storm (see: #Bound2,) I’ve noticed a few things about the video that I’d like to talk about.
            I hate “works of art” like this. It makes it so hard to like Kanye. Although, I do think he is genuinely a weirdo, not just trying to create buzz (like Miley,) I still hate it. There are a few specific reasons why:
1.     The wind. As a few people have noted, it “looks really fake.” I know Kanye was probably going for artsy and abstract. There’s probably some strange hidden meaning that I don’t care about, but that wind looks dumb. Kim Kardashian is straddling a motorcycle, backwards and the wind flowing through her hair (in contradicting directions) demonstrates that they are in a sound studio in West Hollywood.
2.     Now that I’ve mentioned Kim, let’s talk about that a little bit. Why do I need to see her and Kanye literally making love on screen? I don’t. It feels like they’re trying to prove something to the world, “we have a baby together and we are in love.” It makes me uncomfortable (she doesn’t have a shirt on) and I wish they would stop.
3.     Although it’s no VMAs circa 2009, videos like this make it difficult to be a Kanye fan. We all want to love you Kanye, we really do. And please, if you haven’t seen it at least give it a look so you know what I meant as I wrote this post.


  1. Kanye is one of my favorite rappers and he has definitely made some great songs with a video to go with it, but with this one he done goofed. I can't say that I didn't see it coming though, some of his last videos were a little questionable, but he could get away with it cause he's Kanye. Even though the video did the song no justice it can't be taken away from his skill and genius.

    1. That's exactly what I meant when I wrote this post. Sometimes Kanye is just too out there and it's hard for fans to keep up. Personally, I'm more of a Through The Wire Kanye fan than his more recent stuff, but I still appreciate it.


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