Getting the most out of your Netflix subscription

"Lorde only knows when I published it."
                A while ago I wrote a post about what to watch on Netflix. Today, I want to talk about how you can get the most out of your Netflix subscription. It’s similar, but Netflix is a whole new beast than when I wrote the original post, which is part of the “classic series” created for my old blog. So Lorde only knows when I published it.
                The first cardinal rule of Netflix is don’t talk about Netflix. OK just kidding, we all talk about our various Netflix addictions all the time. The rule is more like don’t sign in on someone else’s device. I have made this mistake a time or two in my life. Signing in with Safari or Internet Explorer (why are you still using Internet Explorer?) on someone else’s computer is probably ok. Just make sure you log out before you trot on home. If you don’t sign out, who knows when your jackalope friend will log out. They could mooch off of your subscription for months.
                My ex-boyfriend called me once (after we were broken up) and asked if I was using his Netflix account. Naturally I was binge watching Grey’s Anatomy and was forced to confess. He asked if I could stop so he could watch something because the account was currently active on too many devices. Oops.
                Never, never sign in on someone’s smart TV, particularly Google TVs. Why? Because if you’re like me you can’t figure out how the damn thing works and they don’t come with a “sign out of Netflix” button. I left my account logged in at a friend’s once and her little sister watched every Tinker Bell movie known to man. Netflix always asked if I wanted to rate Tinker Bell and The Lost Treasure.
                I covered this a little in the original post, but another way to get the most out of your subscription is watching the shows that everyone raves about. The ones that are no longer on TV because they were canceled after the 27th season. You know the ones: Weeds, Grey’s Anatomy, That 70s Show, 30 Rock, The Office, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dexter, Scrubs. And some with less years under their belts: Sons of Anarchy, New Girl, Arrested Development, Parks and Recreation, Freaks and Geeks.
                And finally, the best part of your Netflix subscription: Orange is the New Black and House of Cards. If you haven’t started watching these Netflix original series...are you even trying to get the full value of your $10 monthly subscription? I will not make an arguement to entise you to watch these two. I will simply say this: Laura Prepon. Kevin Spacey.

Orange is the New Black


  1. Julie,

    I have recently become addicted to Netflix. I watched six seasons of Sons of Anarchy on Netflix in less than a month. The show was so addicting I couldn't stop! I'm looking for a new show to watch so I'll have to look at some of your suggestions!


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