Goals for Ada Summer 2014

                If you’re not a polar bear or an Ohio Northern alum you may not know ONU is located in a notoriously small town (technically a village) called Ada. Of course there are some students who will speak ill of Ada, but deep down we all secretly love it. If we didn’t love it we wouldn’t go to ONU.
                Another thing you may not know about Northern/Ada life is the University’s policy, all students must fulfill a three year housing contract on campus. The only exemptions are commuter students, with legal residencies within the allotted radius (which I have no idea the distance of.) Further more you must also APPLY to live off campus, even after you have completed your three years. Therefore, save for a few, only seniors live off campus.
                This is all brings me to the theme of the post: Ada Summer 2014. Naturally, all of our leases began June first. So whether or not we are in our apartments, we are paying rent. A handful of seniors are taking summer classes, working on campus or in the area and spending their first summer in Ada.
                Let me explain this a little further. ONU students double the population of Ada (maybe more or maybe a little less, idk I’m not good at math, this is just a figure of speech.) So, come May when we all slowly trickle back to our hometowns, Ada becomes significantly more quiet. The McDonald’s lobby is no longer open until 3 a.m. and the average attendance total of Karaoke Night at Little Mexico is much less (there are seats available for everyone.)
                You sort of have to make your own fun in Ada, that’s even truer in the summer. So my roommates and I have carefully crafted a summer to-do list. Now that I’ve posted it on the Internet I think it means they have to become reality, that’s how it works right? I’ve edited it a little, because not ALL things should be online and some are just plain secrets between best friends. But, without further to do I give you the Goals for Ada Summer 2014:
  • Swim at Ada pool
    I hope to dress like this when we play tennis
  • Go to Karaoke
  • Get tan
  • Make a pinata 
  • Mini golf
  • Go to Farmer's Market
  • Go kayaking
  • Play tennis
  • Go to AAA baseball game
  • Have a bonfire
  • Have a picnic
  • Get ice cream
  • Go camping
  • Go to Indian Lake
  • Go fishing
  • See Reaganomics
  • Go to Irish Fest
  • Go to Amish country
  • Play Rock Band
  • Go to a drive in movie theater
                   Now that I have typed this out it doesn't sound as cool as we thought it did. But it is a censored version. And the tasks that seem overly simple, such as "get ice cream," were added by my roommate who insisted some of the goals be highly achievable. This is incase we don't get them all completed, we won't feel let down. What are you doing this summer?
