Pumpkin Show

            Fall has arrived in Ada. On Saturday there was a Fall Carnival hosted by the sisters of Alpha Xi Delta and the brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon to benefit Alpha Xi’s national philanthropy, Autism Speaks. One of my favorite events to watch was pumpkin smashing. Speaking of pumpkins and fall, have you ever heard of
Pumpkin Show?
A tree of pumpkins
            The Circleville Pumpkin Show is possibly the greatest celebration I’ve ever experienced, a celebration of all things pumpkin. What makes it so great is that it’s not a celebration of a holiday. Let me be clear, it is not a Halloween festival it is a pumpkin show. There is pumpkin growing contest, a tree of pumpkins, all of the pumpkin flavored food and clothing decorated in pumpkins, just to give you an idea.
            The Pumpkin Show is a 107-year-old tradition in Circleville, Ohio. Each year on the third Wednesday of October, the streets of Circleville are shut down and the pumpkins take over. This year the dates are October 16-19.
            According to the official Pumpkin Show website, there are approximately 25 amusements rides and 300 vendors. The vendors sell everything from pumpkin shirts to pumpkin candles to pumpkin donuts. Pumpkin Show officials estimate that about 100,000 pumpkin donuts are sold each year during the four-day festival.
2012 first place winner of the pumpkin growing contest
was Dr. Bob Liggett pictured here with his 1, 315 lbs. pumpkin
            I’ve only had the pleasure of attending Pumpkin Show once, but I plan to return this year to partake in all of the pumpkin festivities. If I haven't written the right words to convince you to attend, click here and look at some more pictures as proof of the glory of the pumpkins. 


  1. This pumpkin show looks like a great opportunity to get out and enjoy the autumn weather! Some of my favorite memories are from small town festivals like the Summer Moon Festival and the St. Joe 4th of July Festival in my home town. Plus, you never know what kind of people (or pumpkins) you'll get to see.

  2. Oh my goodness, my friend and I were just talking about this last night! I have a friend here that is from Circleville and he is always trying to convince me to go to the Pumpkin Show with him. I never knew it was that big of a deal. I love the idea of smashing pumpkins too, just seems like a fun time.


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