Online brand engagement circa 1996: Space Jam

            When we talk about digital and social media there is a long list of websites companies can use for brand engagement. Before the likes of Twitter, online brand engagement was pretty straightforward. Maybe a company set up a website for users to visit. A website like this one. The original, 1996 Space Jam website.
            If you aren’t familiar with Space Jam, (which admittedly I didn’t know was possible, but then I came to Ohio Northern) it is the ideal combination of Looney Tunes, basketball and Michael Jordan in one movie.  I actually referenced Space Jam in an earlier blog post. It’s one of those movies that has stuck with the generation who grew up with it. Even today, as twenty-somethings, people still talk about Space Jam. 
            Is that why Warner Brothers decided to leave the original website in all of its glory? Because good things are better left untouched? The site has quite a few features, behind the scenes information, production notes and player biographies. My favorite feature can be found when you click a planet labeled “Lunar Tunes.”
This is the best part for a few reasons. It has a list of radio stations “currently playing the first single from the Space Jam Soundtrack.” Even better than that, is the page that lists the price of the CD or cassette versions of the soundtrack as well as the number for J & R Music World so you can call and place your order today.
The homepage of the 1996 Space Jam website
            I think it’s fantastic that Warner Brothers leaves this relic for everyone to enjoy. Honestly it’s fun to look at and has more than a few curious features. As a public relations major, the website makes me wonder what is going on with social media over at Warner Brothers. Further tinkering on the page raised some questions maybe some of you can help me with them.
Why does exist? That isn’t the original website, which has a www2. address. This knock off website has a 2003 copyright, the original is still proudly labeled with a 1996 copyright.
Do the people over at Warner Brothers just leave the site as is or is someone assigned to monitor it?
It still has a working link to the Warner Brothers Product store, is this a recent update or does the WB have the same IP address for their store as they did back in 1996?


  1. I'm sure Warner Brothers still receive notifications about the website, but I doubt it's still a major concern of theirs. They probably keep it up as an easy way for information about the movie to be stored. After all, they have the copyright, so why not? I don't know why there would be another website copyrighted in 2003, and how the website would receive a copyright. It could be possible Warner Brothers created another website, but I wouldn't see why there would be a need. I used to love websites for movies, though! They were always so enjoyable with the games relevant to the movie! I used to spend hours online just on movie websites.

  2. Space Jam is awesome. I had a Toon Squad jersey and the water bottle as a kid, I would pay a ridiculous amount of money to have both of those things back in my life. It really amazes me that some people haven't seen the movie though, like that is my childhood! I am glad someone blogged about how awesome their website is, I checked it out a couple weeks ago.

    1. I know! I just think it is so funny that the website still exists. I remember seeing it in high school, but now as a PR major it seems even funnier. And I don't know how, but I run into people who haven't seen it a lot. I have two brothers so maybe that's why it was a fave in my house, but still!


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